Install This System of Travel Hacks to Travel The World Cheaply and Longer in 2024

Without relying on credit cards or airline miles… Without sacrificing freedom or comfort… & Without giving up on epic adventures… Even if you don’t have a full-time job!

What Is “How to Travel The World For (Almost) Free”?

This is the book you need to gain the guts to finally travel for months and have brag-worthy adventures—without worrying about returning home penniless.

It’s an easy-to-read guide cunningly filled with every shrewd tip, hack, and loophole to help you travel for cheap – or even for free if that’s what you can afford.

The best part about this book is, unlike most budget travel advice out there, you won’t have to skip the cool stuff while traveling for next to nothing.

We’ll teach you how to genuinely enjoy your destinations (like a real traveler) so you’ll save loads, but not miss out on experiences.


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Whether you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, are an impoverished student, or just looking for more ways to stretch your dollar – this book will be a no-brainer investment.

You'll be saving so much money with these travel hacks and obscure tips that it'll feel like you're getting away with something illegal… And by the time you're done reading, you'll be buzzing with excitement over the amazing ways to save, and ready to take concrete steps towards your new adventure.

But fair warning: cheap travel isn’t for the faint-hearted. You won’t have to put yourself in danger, but if you’re not ready to live out of a backpack or be flexible with your time and destination, this book isn’t for you.

Better to join the nice folks at G Adventures.


Travel Australia, Brazil, Argentina & more without paying for accommodation (in fact, I earned money)…

Backpack the whole of South America for 8 months without spending a dime on flights…

Tour Asia for under $20/day (sometimes less)…

Fly to Tokyo for $200 dollars on a sneaky “airline loophole”…

See the destroyed Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan...

Hang out with the Mundari Tribe in South Sudan...

Marvel at the Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan...

Touch the Dragon Blood Trees in Yemen...

Hitch an iron-ore train in Mauritania...

And visit the legendary Timbuktu in Mali.

Travel The World For (Almost) Free Is A Smarter Way To Travel


Here’s A Snippet of What You’re Going To Discover In This eBook:

Why you’re actually losing more money staying home (in fact – you’ll spend less the longer you travel) because I’ll teach you how to stretch your dollar until you can literally travel for free on some days…

✅ Don’t have a trust fund or a winning Powerball ticket? Discover 9 creative strategies to turbocharge your travel fund that most people turn a blind eye to – and save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for your trip…

21 ways to score the cheapest or free flights every time (UPDATED)—including a Skyscanner hack that saved me over $679 and an app that shaves nearly 90% off hotel prices…

Why you may not always have to pay visa fees (plus how to bypass the “no one-way ticket” rule that most countries have)...

✅ The “Hidden City Trick” to uncover hidden low-cost flights – in fact, even the most seasoned travelers don’t know about this underground hack…

Can’t afford discounted flights? Only real backpackers know about these 9 epic routes that allow you to cross continents without ever boarding a plane…

✅ The $520 ATM mistake to avoid if you’re traveling long-term (and how to never pay banking fees again) – plus a little cash withdrawal tip that’s saved me hundreds of dollars at a time…

The single biggest mistake everyone makes when booking hostels or hotels – and what you should do instead (and exactly how to score 4-star rooms for dirt-cheap)...

✅ Why you shouldn’t pre-book a hostel for your whole trip (hint: I’ll show you why it’s easier to get heavily discounted beds once you’re in a new city)...

✅ The secrets behind free overnight stays (every method revealed) – and the “backpacker’s secret” that put a roof over my head in Australia, Brazil and Argentina for free (so you can eliminate your biggest travel expense)…

✅ Stuck outside for the night with no room? Learn where and how you can safely crash for the night in an emergency–and live to tell the tale like a true backpacker…

✅ The Amazing $1 Car Rental Trick—and over a dozen transport hacks that frugal travelers use to get around (yes, including a sneaky loophole that got me free metro rides in Germany)...

Master the art of hitchhiking like a pro—and boost your chances of getting picked up (once you have this skill, you'll never have to worry about reaching your destination again)...

✅ 1 severely overlooked transport that covers free lodging and food (especially if time is not a factor)—and can be 50% cheaper than flying

How to slash your food budget by up to 80%—12 money-saving tips that won’t sacrifice flavor or satisfaction…

4 respectable ways to enjoy food without money (you won’t have to resort to begging)..,

✅ The one question to ask locals that’ll guarantee you’ll enjoy cheaper, better & more authentic food every time (and steer clear of tourist traps) plus, tips to avoid food poisoning

How to take advantage of free activities and other massive perks (such as unlocking unlimited public transport) in many cities…

✅ The Google Map Trick that shows you lots of free attractions to keep you occupied…without spending a dime…

✅ A crash course on haggling like a local anywhere in the world…

How to spot the 22 most common travel scams (UPDATED) — and how to avoid them (trust me, there’s some real creative scams out there)…

✅And many more…

Here’s What You’re Going To Get Today When You Get 'How to Travel The World for (Almost) Free'


An easy-to-read, jam-packed “bible” for budget backpackers, focused on helping you explore the world with little to no money.

PRICE: $47



This guide reveals how to leverage your credit cards to score free flights, free hotels, and more—so you can enjoy first-class travel even on a budget.

PRICE: $97



Unlock your ability to travel indefinitely. This bonus guide will show you the best ways to earn cash on the road—even if you have no skills. Just pick any from the list that suits you most.

PRICE: $97



I’ve stayed in over 100 hostels and cheap isn’t always the best. Refer to this guide everytime you need to find a hostel in an unfamiliar place— I outline what to look for, down to the people, location and amenities you'd want.

PRICE: $47



Ensure you’re adequately covered for the epic journey ahead—this guidebook for dummies will show you how to choose the right travel insurance for long-term travel.

PRICE: $37



Essential packing guide for whether you’re traveling for a month, a year or longer. Simply copy my packing list to save yourself the trouble of figuring out what to pack.

PRICE: $37



This is a library of incredible travel websites, apps and tools that I and others in the travel community use. Planning your trips will become a breeze.

PRICE: $37


Who is this eBook right for?

How to Travel the World for (Almost) Free is perfect for you if…

✅ You've always dreamed of traveling the world long term...

✅ You want to tick off your bucket list items...

✅ Money has always been a reason you are not traveling.

This book is ideal for:

✅ Young adults, especially college students and recent graduates.

✅ Solo travelers, backpackers, and gap-year takers.

✅ Even families, retirees or seasoned travelers who left the 'budget travel' life will find value in the strategies laid out in this book.

Even though most long-term backpackers are young adults, we believe anyone and everyone will learn a hack or two to save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars when traveling.

Here's everything you'll get if you invest in How to Travel The World for (Almost) Free TODAY:

The eBook will teach you strategies to save money on flights, accommodations, transportation, food, tours, and activities.

It also shows you ways to literally travel for free if you want to.

And bonuses that teach you how to get free flights, earn money while traveling, selecting the best hostel for you, get the right travel insurance, pack light for long-term travel and save on baggage fees.

With these strategies, you can travel long term and see more places.

You'll be able to go on adventures and explore new destinations.

You can tick items off your bucket list without worrying about the costs.

You'll get to meet new friends from different parts of the world.

You'll fill your Instagram posts with amazing photos and have cool stories that make others jealous.

Traveling doesn't have to be expensive. With the tips and tricks in this eBook, you can make your travel dreams come true without breaking the bank.


We understand that you might have questions. We've addressed some of the most common ones here:

Who is this for?

This is for anyone eager to travel without spending a lot of money. It’s perfect for young adults, especially college students and recent graduates, who probably don’t have much money to spare.

Solo travelers, backpackers, and gap-year takers will find it invaluable for stretching their travel dollar too.

Families wanting to travel affordably, retirees on fixed incomes eager to see more of the world, and even seasoned travelers seeking new ways to cut costs will gain plenty of value from this book.

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

When you buy this, you'll get my 'How To Travel For (Almost) Free' e-book plus 6 exclusive bonuses worth $352.

These include guides on The Ultimate Guide to Selecting a Hostel and 30 Ways To Earn Money While Traveling.

You'll also receive Backpacker Travel Insurance For Dummies, Packing Light For Long Term Trips, Credit Card Travel Hacking (which has helped me get free business class flights and hotel stays), and Travel Resources That Pros Use.

How is this different from other budget travel books?

This is possibly more comprehensive than any other resource on budget travel—offline and online.

While some tips have been around for a while, I've included many new travel hacks too. And as a frugal traveler, I still use many of these strategies myself, so you know I walk the talk.

Plus, unlike many travel hacking guides, I actually teach you how to travel cheaply even if you don't have a credit card or a 9-to-5 salary. You'll get a bonus guide on how to use credit cards to score free flights and rooms, but if you can't afford one, this book is still worth the investment.

The bottom line? If you are serious about traveling long-term, the tips found in this book will pay for itself many times over in what you’ll save.

Copyright © 2024 Travel For Almost Free. All rights registered.